New organisation of the HR activity and projects of high importance


Key figures

In 2017, the Institute laid the groundwork for a new organisation based on the devolution principle, which notably impacted the Human Resources Division (HRD) in 2018.

In 2018, activity transfers to HR services of metropolitan regional delegations were completed/prepared:

This HRD organisation (including the creation of the HR communication function and a HR in the Global South mission) led to the implementation in 2018 of projects of high importance for the IRD community.

Telework system experiment: following a period of exchanges and consultation, the campaign launched in June enabled more than 200 agents to progressively join the system from 1st September.

One of the objectives of IRD’s COP, after consulting with labour unions, the draft contractual staff charter was approved during the CTEP meeting of December 2018. It must be submitted to the Board for approval. This project aims at:

A HRS4R European certification process (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) was launched to improve the practices of organisations and institutions involved in research on the recruitment and working conditions of researchers. The letter of undertaking was signed in March 2018, and a gap analysis was carried out with a view to devising a 2-year action plan due to be published in 2019.

Signing of the Senegal establishment agreement in the summer of 2018. This agreement is the first step in the Institute's policy on locally recruited staff, meeting the COP’s modernisation and simplification requirements.

Study on IRD’s Career paths covering the 2010-2025 period, presented during the Board meeting of 18 December 2018 and including a retrospective statistical overview and scenarios for development. This study should facilitate the formalisation of a multi-annual Employment policy, based on a forward-looking jobs and skills management system, in close conjunction with the structures, research units and support entities in mainland and Overseas France as well as abroad. This serves to maintain the high level of skills needed by the Institute (adequacy between resources and missions) in a restrictive context which requires the development of multi-annual strategies, improved management of jobs and staff as part of a controlled wage bill.

Progressive implementation of a framework agreement designed to support managers as a result of a call for tender in the 1st semester, including training programmes, individual and group coaching and co-development in order to improve managers’ professionalism, encourage cooperation and social cohesion.

Participation, in March 2018, in the SRIAS scheme (interdepartmental regional sections for social action) to develop social policy, entitling agents to individual or collective benefits (childcare places, social housing, canteen, etc.) in mainland and Overseas France. These schemes became effective on 1st January 2019.